Gill Edwards (BA, MPsychol, CPsychol, AFBPsS)
‘If we wish to dance with the angels, it is not necessary to sprout wings or sign on for harp lessons. We simply need to become ourselves – to express our uniqueness, realise our own potential, consciously create our own reality – and have fun doing so….’
( from ‘Living Magically’ by Gill Edwards)
Gill was a chartered clinical psychologist by background, and worked full-time in the National Health Service throughout the 1980s. She grew up in a haunted house, began yoga and meditation in her teens, and was on a spiritual path for 30+ years. In 1989, a mystical experience changed her life – and she resigned from the NHS to write her first best selling book, ‘Living Magically’ (Piatkus, 1991).
She trained in metaphysics and shamanism in the USA, Britain and Hawaii, and ran Living Magically workshops in the UK and abroad from 1990. Since 2001, she trained intensively in energy psychology and energy medicine. With a Diploma in Flower & Vibrational Essences, she produced her own range of Lakeland Essences. She was also a certified practitioner of Meridian & Energy Therapies, and trained in EFT (level 2), Matrix Reimprinting, TAT, Psych-K (Advanced) and Emo-Trance. She was registered as a practitioner with the AMT and AAMET. She also studied many other shamanic and energetic healing approaches – including Matrix Energetics, Reconnective Healing, the Sedona Method, the LifeLine Technique, and Donna Eden’s energy medicine. She was passionate about energy psychology and new-paradigm medicine, and believed it would transform the face of healthcare in the coming years.
Gill wrote the best-selling books ‘Living Magically’, ‘Stepping Into the Magic’, ‘Pure Bliss’ and ‘Wild Love’, (Piatkus), plus a range of self-help CD’s. Her book, ‘Life Is A Gift’ was published by Piatkus in 2007. It offers a practical guide to making your dreams come true – by aligning with the flow of the cosmos. Her latest book on Conscious Medicine (2010) – was a topic of huge passion for her. She believed that all dis-ease is created by our energy-consciousness – and so can be un-created using conscious medicine.
Gill lived in the heart of the English Lake District – a landscape that she loved – in a fairytale house which nestles amidst lake, woods and waterfalls, where she felt truly blessed.
Her life-long focus was on expanding our consciousness: walking with a ‘foot in both worlds’, so that we release our natural state of boundless love, joy, freedom and creativity. She saw consciousness as the source of everything. Since everything Is One, she believed that as we develop more of our own potential-and move from fear to love, from struggle to joy-we also help to change the world.
On November 19th 2011 Gill’s mission was complete – she made her transition into the spirit realm, where I am sure she is still joyously supporting us with modern day living.